So we’re less than three weeks until we move. The inspection was fine and the seller has agreed to fix the things we wanted. There are a few things that will have to be watched after we move in (like the water heater and furnace), but they’re working now. We’ve started talking about what furniture goes where, and what we may need to buy.
I’ve started the changes for the utilities and other regular services. We’ve chosen a mover. And we’ve been boxing things up (and throwing away a few things as well). So far things are going along quite swimmingly, but I’m not resting on those laurels.
I’ve found out that my lovely husband has quite a collection of miniatures (more of a nerd than I thought). But he hasn’t seen my Christmas decorations yet, so I think we’re even. And he did agree to give up the gorilla mask (do all guys have one of those at some time in their lives?).
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