- RT @I_Am_The_Tick: You know, Arthur? The show of kindness today by San Francisco toward the courageous #SFBatKid warms a superhero's heart … #
- One of many grown-ups across the country completely verklempt at #SFBatKid story. #
- Also, comics brining people together -FU Wertham! #SFBatKid #
- RT @DaphneUn: LOL. RT @wallrike: Whenever someone says "DM me," I always want to say, "Ok. You're in a tavern & a wizard is looking to hire… #
- RT @ScottDubois: Watching #SFBatKid is awesome. Don't forget to donate to The Make-a-Wish Foundation so this can happen again: https://t.co… #
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