- As one who voted for her, this sucks-State Sen.EvieHudak resigning to avoid recall elex over #guncontrol laws.Keeps 1 vote D major in Senate #
- Top 10 Thanksgiving Festivals From Around the World – http://t.co/Cm5UcxpNLE http://t.co/ZPf8IHptN5 via @po_st #
- RT @davidsirota: So surprised more women don't run for office in a state where gun-wielding conservatives threaten to rape opponents http:/… #
- RT @mitchellbyars: RT @dailycamera: #Boulder restaurant Marie's Cafe to close Saturday after 35 years http://t.co/WALU0uXXmg via @SarahKuta #
- Why is Obama only pardoning white, genetically modified turkeys? A History of the Presidential Turkey Pardon http://t.co/WDowWSq60U #
- RT @NightValeRadio: You know those 8 spiders a year you eat in your sleep? Well, they add up. And they are all organizing a pretty dramatic… #
- RT @BCFRpio: Video of @WilliamShatner delivering turkey fryer safety message, in his own way. Happy Thanksgiving! http://t.co/FxjoQU5Yus @S… #
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