- RT @westminsterco: This just in from CDOT: lane closures on 120th & Huron from 10am-2pm today. Avoid the area if possible. #
- RT @Shakespeare: There's nothing good or bad but teaching makes it so:
http://t.co/diEYQK37PZ # - A Bing car in the wild. http://t.co/jiWuvGaefA #
- "People who live long, who will drink the cup of life to the very bottom, must expect to meet with some of the usual dregs." B Franklin 1787 #
- Walking through the mall has become the equivalent of walking to the perfume department at Saks – everybody's trying to give you a sample. #
- RT @Popehat: Updating Java for Chrome is like a Rube Goldberg machine designed by M. C. Escher, except it isn't funny or interesting. #
Twitter Updates for 2014-11-07
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