- RT @ggreenwald: It was only 12 years ago (to the day) that SCOTUS overruled its own decision allowing *criminalization of gay sex* https://… #
- RT @pourmecoffee: Here is a fainting couch for those worried about the sanctity of traditional marriage http://t.co/kvHq4TMmcD #
- Well, now at least everybody has the right to "put a ring on it" if they so choose. #MarriageEquaility #
- RT @DepressedDarth: Same sex marriage is now legal. In related news, C-3PO and R2-D2 have already started planning their wedding. #
- RT @OldHossRadbourn: Just married "Cy" Young. At last. #
- RT @pourmecoffee: INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number at http://t.co/GTMi82zEWv for information on who … #
- RT @KenTremendous: I haven't read Scalia's dissent yet, but I literally GUARANTEE you it's pure jiggery-pokery argle-bargle applesauce. #
- RT @maureenjohnson: Pretty sure we all get the rest of the day off to run around waving our arms in the air in excitement. #
- RT @davidsirota: Pretty amazing http://t.co/0m4sAskst2 #
- RT @AdamSessler: Scalia really is the Gargamel of Jurisprudence #
- Try again – I suppose that if I had Justice Scalia's marriage, I wouldn't want other people to have it either. #
- RT @StanBushTV: #MarriageEquaility http://t.co/ZI8s1Fkoaf #
- RT @TheDowagerSays: The best judge of a man's character is the manner in which he talks about his previous spouse or lover. #
- RT @RachelFeltman: Oh god @IanMcKellen and Derek Jacobi I cannot https://t.co/PSZbx3bzR1 #
- RT @fiordilatte_co: Rainbow sprinkles for everyone in celebration of gay marriage! Can we make gelato for everyone's wedding? http://t.co/J… #
- Here's how Scalia would insult me. How would he insult you? http://t.co/VixmK9zyUz #ScaliaBurns via @Slate #
- RT @SCOTUSblog: Yes, but only GAY marriage w/ animals MT @GBUmeetup @SCOTUSblog has gone bananas. Next marriage with animals. #
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