Family & Friends

Yup, that’s me in December 1965 sitting on Santa’s lap. This is from back when Santa sat in the window of the Broadway Department Store at Chula Vista mall so that everyone could watch the kids see Santa. I was 2.5 so I have no memory of what I wanted to Christmas, but knowing my dad, I’m sure I got it if it came from Sears (that’s the store he had a credit card for). And yes, I really did have blond hair as a child, for those who doubt my present hair color!

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This is John Todd, who I went to Pomona College with, balancing RPG dice on his nose, a talent he used to display fairly often when our group got together to play. I’m not saying that there wasn’t alcohol involved, but less than one might think. My friends really don’t need help to be truly silly; we are just wired that way I guess. That’s probably why we were friends. It’s too bad that I don’t get to see them more often.

I’m not exactly sure what year this was, but likely 1982 or ’83, in Harwood Lounge.


Veteran’s Day

by Mary on 11/11/2010 · 0 comments

in Family & Friends

That’s one I’ve used before, but it’s my dad’s graduation photo from Officer’s Candidate School. There’s no denying that the military had quite an impact on my dad’s life.

So today I remember my father. my uncle Jack, my not-quite-an uncle Harry, my cousin David, my great Uncle Jack (who served in the Red Cross, but close enough to the fighting for me), my cousin Dick who died in a training accident in WWII, my great, great uncle Henry (WWI Army), my great Aunt Mary (nurse in WWI), and my great, great, great grandfather who served in the Missouri Volunteers in the Civil War. To these Veteran’s and all the Vets I’ve never known, that you for your service.

Now, I’m celebrating my going to Disneyland – have a good day everyone.



by Mary on 10/31/2010 · 0 comments

in Family & Friends

This was from the Harwood Halloween party my senior year at Pomona. Anyone who shopped at Ralph’s in the 1980s understands the generic blue labels. I’m a Bandit, Keith is the Hero and Margie is the Heroine.

It made perfect sense in college.


Time and Food

by Mary on 09/03/2010 · 1 comment

in Family & Friends

Since I spend a lot of time dealing with history, I often run into people who are nostalgic about the past. This article about misplaced nostalgia for ‘old’ food brings up an excellent point – the past we long for often didn’t exists.

This photo is food history though – it’s my family having Christmas dinner in 1980. Dig that mustache Uncle Jack!

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This animated short is just perfect for anyone whose ever owned (or been owned by) a cat. Mine was just like this. She’s been gone now for over five years, but she was born in August, so here’s to Molly; I still miss having her around.